As an admin of Parkly you can customize the settings so employees are requested to add number plates before making a booking, you can also customize the timeframe availability and the booking windows, just follow the steps bellow to implement these settings.
Plate Numbers
If you'd like to keep track of cars booked in just enable the number plate settings and we'll ask the employees to add their number plates before making their booking.
To enable this just head to Parkly Home Page and click on Settings:
Once in Settings click on Locations:
Click on the three dots next to your preferred location and head to Settings:
Scroll down and click the check box to enable or (disable) the Plate number request
2. Booking Windows
You can also specify how far ahead spaces can be booked in your settings.
Just head to Parkly Home Page and click on Settings
Once in Settings click on Locations
Click on the three dots next to your preferred location and head to Settings
Click on Change (next to Booking Window).
You can then select and save your preferred time frame once that's done click save and you're good to go!
3. New Availability & Booking Cutoff
If you wish you can set a time by when a new day is released and the deadline by when an employee can modify or cancel their booking. To set this up:
Head to Parkly Home Page and click on Settings
Once in Settings head to Locations
Once in Locations click on the three dots next to your preferred location and click on Settings
Click on the drop-down bar under Release new availability then select your preferred option and click Save
You can also set the preferred time for the booking cutoff, once that's set you're good to go!
Need more help? Reach out to our team who will be more than happy to help!