Here's how you can access the list of all employees onboarded onto Officely.
Step 1:
Head to Officely Home and click on Settings.
Step 2:
Once in Settings click on Account & Billing.
Step 3:
Click on Manage next to the members to view the full list of users.
Step 4:
To search for a specific co-worker, you can type in the first few letters of their name in the search box.
Step 5:
To manage an employee tick the box on the left next to the employee's name and click on manage on the top right to manage their account.
Step 6:
You can also sort the users' list alphabetically or based on the date each user joined. Just click on the arrow next to the field title you'd like to sort by.
Step 7:
You can also hide specific columns by clicking the arrow next to the field to be hidden, then click Hide.
Need more help? Feel free to reach out to one of our team members who will be more than happy to help!